A Quilt of Many Talents

Below is a devotional I wrote for Eastbrook Church Lenten Devotional series. I hope you enjoy it and it blesses you.   Read Romans 12:1-8 Some years ago, my mother gifted me with a handmade quilt. The quilt is a log-cabin design, with rectangular strips...

Hope around the Hedges (Lenten Reflection)

  My life is not a neatly planted hedge of planned events; it is, rather, a messy string of occurrences which the Lord is using to graciously teach me what He wants me to know. Anything that has happened out of my control is still in the Lord’s hands and in His...

Drive to Nowhere

Sometimes, I’m just not ready to walk in the door of my house after my weekly Bible study. Sometimes, I need some time to think before walking in and facing whatever it is waiting for me, which usually includes a pile of dirty dishes. I don’t want to see...

For When You Can’t Pray

Have you ever been through times in life when it felt like the world might come crashing down? When it’s so hard, you aren’t sure which way is left, which way is right, and what’s headed your way tomorrow? When it feels overwhelming and it feels...