Fierce (Inktober, Day #14)

Well, this is certainly not a face I’d like to run into unexpectedly! I find tigers to be such stunning creatures. I drew this one on 10/14/17… I didn’t sign it but should have. I first drew a tiger in the art class I began in elementary school,...

Being a Peacemaker (Day 31)

So… you’ve done your best in communicating, whether it was a presentation, speech, or even interpersonal communication. But then- what if there is conflict? A disagreement? A misunderstanding? For the last day of this month-long series, we will look at...

Quotes and Scripture About Speech

Today’s post contains quotes and scripture regarding speech. First, a few quotes:  “Speech is a mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he.”  ~Publius Syrus (42 BC) “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver....

Personality Tests (Day 29)

We looked at a couple of different learning styles over the past two blog posts, first the basic three, and then those covered in Tobias’ book “The Way They Learn”. Today, we will turn our attention to personality tests, and how they can help us in...

Three Basic Learning Styles

Have you ever been to a presentation or meeting and left shaking your head, trying to make sense of  what you heard? Or perhaps, on another occasion, you were following along well, but others were not? We all process information differently, and it is helpful to...

Ask Questions

With communication, we often talk about specific techniques, such as many of those discussed here for the past month in this series. But, there is a critical component of communication that is vital to being a good communicator, and that is “asking...

The Golden Circle

Perhaps you have heard of Simon Sinek and a Ted Talk he did about persuasion and something called the Golden Circle. His purpose was to exhort businesses to consider the core of why customers and employees buy into a company. So what is this “Golden...

How to Disagree

Nowadays with the internet and social media, thousands of bloggers, and Facebook posts and comments, people everywhere can join in a conversation like never before.  Usually in writing (or in conversation), but often in writing, people who respond to a post often...