Besides the Autumn Poets Sing
Besides the Autumn Poets Sing by Emily Dickinson Besides the autumn poets sing, A few prosaic days A little this side of the snow And that side of the haze. A few incisive mornings, A few ascetic eves,— Gone Mr. Bryant’s golden-rod, And Mr. Thomson’s sheaves. Still is...
unknown gardens
Unknown Gardens Summer shadows flutter, golden light filters Through lovely shades of crimson crab apple – the magenta blooms have long since faded and dropped to the ground, fallen among the rocky hedge and tanning mulch-- Disappeared to become one with the...
Switching Adjust boom windward As storm approaches— Gales and waves toss us Like a child’s toy boat at bath time Can you see the storm approaching? Jibe, tack, plant cautious feet Don’t play around like a child at bath time Mind the mature and callous sea The...
The Guest
The Guest He tramples on my azaleas, barges right in— no ringing the bell or hearty knock-- plants himself right beside me on the couch. Of course. The old tusker won’t leave me alone, ribbing, winking, and nodding my direction all...
Knower of the Heart
"Kardiognostes" - knower of the heart (kardia- heart, gnostes - to know/ known) One of my favorites verses: But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for...
Five Random Things For Today, June 15
Five random things for today: 1) I have a splinter in my heel that is proving a real doozy to remove! After I sterilized a needle and tried to remove it yesterday, I noticed today it is still sore at times. I can't tell, though, if there is a splinter there or not!...
What Changes
When I first came to town, knowing no one I felt like that, like there was no one Anywhere Oh- there were faces, but There was no one And there are days— I walked through the house today Her purple plaid backpack underneath the table Calendar on the desk Books piled...
Write From a Full Well
My heart bursts its banks Spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king Shaping the river into words. The Message, Psalm 45:1 #writefromafullwell
Over the Land is April
Over The Land Is April - Poem by Robert Louis Stevenson Over the land is April, Over my heart a rose; Over the high, brown mountain The sound of singing goes. Say, love, do you hear me, Hear my sonnets ring? Over the high, brown mountain, Love, do you hear me...
The Lord is Near
I need this reminder~ I need to know this promise~ The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. ~Psalm 34:18
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