Can You Hear the Echo?
I knew her in college. I may have passed by her in the grocery store today. She might have been in the pew in front of me. She could be my neighbor, down the street. At night, she may fill the time with nonsensical television, or bury herself in a bar. During the day,...
God Doesn’t Need Glasses
"...For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel16:7 How beautiful are the above words, and how many times have I called upon them for comfort! Yet the same words are also a conviction and a...
Most High God and #663-676
The Most High God will surely shelter you defend you protect you deliver you redeem you watch you keep you love you save you forgive you there is nothing He will not do for you His arm is not too short to save *** Remembering His goodness this week, #663-676: 663. a...
The Mysterious Beautiful… Ache
On Fridays, I often like to participate in a Five Minute Friday writing prompt over here at Today's prompt is "Ache". *** GO A friend posted this on her facebook status yesterday: "I walked a mile with Pleasure;/ She chatted all the way;/ But left...
Beyond the Imagination
known and not alone known and not alone He has more thoughts of me, of us, than anyone. Not only does he think of me more than anyone else, he thinks thoughts and plans plans that are beyond my imagination. Putting hope in something or someone else will lead to great...
Removing the Grit
He comes in with tools of various kinds. The tools don't look like the usual types, but they do a similar sort of work as a carpenter or sculptor. Work begins on the project. Parts are cut off, sections are chiseled. Gradually, a form begins to take shape. If pieces...
what makes a story good
It's the part of my story I've often wished didn't exist. It's the part of another's story I've often wondered about. It's that part of our stories that most of us, at some time or another, would want to wish away. A story has the following five elements: the setting,...
Where Cypress and Myrtle Grow
There is a place where cypress and myrtle grow instead of thorns and briers. There is One whose thoughts and ways are higher than man's. I've heard one can go there to buy wine and milk-- for no price. In this place, trees clap their hands and mountains and hills...
Yet ~ Still ~ Despite
They are young and the time is short. If I turn around they'll be gone and the grandmothers say it goes by like that. But some days, it takes an external force pushing me, propelling me. Even with a fierce mama's heart and love, there are days when I am down and God...
Night of Deep Questions
With the rest of the family at youth retreats, it is only my eight-year old and myself for most of the weekend. We had plans, he and I: movies, snacks, baking muffins, games. We did it all, too. We baked pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bread, watched movies, played chess...
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