by Prasanta | Nov 29, 2018 | Art, Faith, Photogrpahy, Quotes, Writing
Happy 100th Birthday, Madeleine L’Engle. I’m grateful for your gift of words to the world.
by Prasanta | May 11, 2018 | Art, Mothering, Mothers, Painting, Poetry
I wrote the poem below several years ago; I share it here once again for Mother’s Day. The Longing Arms Emptiness filled now and spilling when arms hold and hush the long anticipated one- sweet love requited. Did I know how empty they were- my...
by Prasanta | Apr 3, 2018 | Art, music
I went to see Les Mis as it recently came through my city… Years ago, I saw the musical Les Miserables when it was showing in London. I was captivated by the beautiful music and moved by the incredible story. I was on a study abroad semester in...
by Prasanta | Jan 19, 2018 | Art, Poetry
Piano Practice by Rainer Maria Rilke The summer hums. The afternoon fatigues; she breathed her crisp white dress distractedly and put into it that sharply etched etude her impatience for a reality that could come: tomorrow, this evening–, that perhaps was...
by Prasanta | Nov 1, 2017 | 31 Days, Art, write31
These are my final posts for Inktober. The drawing for “Deep”: I drew this last week but didn’t get around to posting it. Here is what I was thinking when I chose a water jug for the word “deep”. but whoever drinks of the water...
by Prasanta | Oct 23, 2017 | Art, Beauty, Becoming Whole, Brokenness, Children, Growth, Healing, Journey, Story
“Are you thinking with me / Of the moon at the mountain’s edge?”- Izumi Shikibu (Japanese poet) Someone posted this beautiful painting on Twitter the other day, and it reminded me of this post I had begun writing a few weeks ago. * Recently, I...
by Prasanta | Oct 22, 2017 | 31 Days, Art, grace
Graceful ***
by Prasanta | Oct 15, 2017 | 31 Days, Art
Well, this is certainly not a face I’d like to run into unexpectedly! I find tigers to be such stunning creatures. I drew this one on 10/14/17… I didn’t sign it but should have. I first drew a tiger in the art class I began in elementary school,...
by Prasanta | Oct 13, 2017 | 31 Days, Art
For the prompt “gigantic”… …Atlas and his gargantuan task of holding up the whole world. Thank goodness it’s not up to us to hold up the world. Mercy! Can you imagine? Yet, we sometimes do try to carry way too much on our own shoulders,...
by Prasanta | Oct 11, 2017 | 31 Days, Art
Above is the pen drawing for the Day 9 prompt, which is “screech”. It’s an owl, but I am not sure if it is a “screech” owl. I drew this owl first in pencil, and when I did the ink version, I could clearly see what I’m lacking in pen...