Hope around the Hedges (Lenten Reflection)

  My life is not a neatly planted hedge of planned events; it is, rather, a messy string of occurrences which the Lord is using to graciously teach me what He wants me to know. Anything that has happened out of my control is still in the Lord’s hands and in His...

Striped (poem)

  Striped   I choke on dust, wreckage of world, and my crushed bones of existence. Painful agonies— what breathing soul is exempt from knowing? While the world continues doubling and halving its joys and sorrows, what of souls doubled over? Lines mark days—...

The Making (A Lenten Poem)

  The Making   Scattered, broken particles must be remade after life on earth snaps, crushes each bone, sinew, and organ into first-born molecules   Dust catches in throat— chokes irrelevancy   Smeared ashes reconstruct into wooden cross beams unmade – made –...

Emily Dickinson – poems

It’s all I have to bring today It’s all I have to bring today— This, and my heart beside— This, and my heart, and all the fields— And all the meadows wide— Be sure you count—should I forget Some one the sum could tell— This, and my heart, and all the Bees Which in the...

Praying (poem by Mary Oliver)

                      “Praying It doesn’t have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don’t try to make them...

“the shadow and the soul”

  “I love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.” –Pablo Neruda Translated by Mark Eisner Sonnet 17   ***    

Poems by Rilke

  Piano Practice by Rainer Maria Rilke The summer hums. The afternoon fatigues; she breathed her crisp white dress distractedly and put into it that sharply etched etude her impatience for a reality that could come: tomorrow, this evening–, that perhaps was...

Reading Books Next to a Fire

A lovely afternoon would be sitting with a friend and reading books next to a raging fire Tell me… What books would you bring? Stack them here So I can pick them up One by one And read What delights you Best friends— (is this meaning defined in dictionaries— a blank...

she became silent

  Silence for too long and no no words for far too long no answering the phone (then and now) when light finally broke through escape from prison she spoke but didn’t speak unable to speak hiding away resting, recovering from a month of savagery she now cries,...


Some things are certain (what I know) Others uncertain (I don’t know what you’re thinking) . . . Some know how to love— (you—beautiful you—from what I perceive and believe) — and I’m certain about certain facts such as (          ) And others don’t know how to love...