by Prasanta | May 11, 2022 | Identity, Mothering, Mothers, Poetry, Purpose, The Mudroom
The Longing Arms Emptiness filled now and spilling when arms hold and hush the long anticipated one- sweet love requited. Did I know how empty they were- my arms, heart- before you? You laughed at the emptiness and swallowed it whole....
by Prasanta | Apr 4, 2022 | Becoming Whole, Belonging, Community, culture, Diversity, Identity, Immigrant Stories, Journey, Podcast Guest, Purpose, race, The Mudroom
I was honored to share at The Mudroom Blog Podcast last week! If you missed my post. Of Thorns and Belonging, you can read it here. To listen to part of my journey, with background information on the article, I invite you to listen to the podcast here. It was a joy...
by Prasanta | Dec 31, 2019 | Hope, Poetry, Purpose, Redemption
On New Years Eve, people all over the world celebrate the dawn and hope of a new beginning. One never knows what lies ahead, at the cusp of a new year. One thing is certain: there will be both joys and sorrows. I could never have predicted the year I have had. 2019...
by Prasanta | Apr 1, 2019 | Grief, Journey, Parenting, Purpose
DYING OF THE SAME I’m not quite sure what to do with this ache at times. I find emptiness facing me, like an abyss, and I feel as if I am staring into a black hole. I wish I could unwrap the years and re-do so many things. It’s not that I don’t take joy in...
by Prasanta | Mar 25, 2019 | devotional, Devotions, Gifts, Lent, Purpose, Work
Below is a devotional I wrote for Eastbrook Church Lenten Devotional series. I hope you enjoy it and it blesses you. Read Romans 12:1-8 Some years ago, my mother gifted me with a handmade quilt. The quilt is a log-cabin design, with rectangular strips...
by Prasanta | Dec 18, 2018 | Beauty, Christmas, creative nonfiction, Faith, Five Minute Friday, Hope, Journey, Nature, Pain, Purpose, soul, Stillness, Wonder, Writing, writing journey
Verb. Adverb. Noun. Adjective. Conjunction. This word “still”. I am here still. I am walking still. I am breathing still. I am thinking still. I am living still. Still the sun shines. Still she smiles. Be still. The leaves have fallen; still hope remains. In...
by Prasanta | May 15, 2018 | God's love, Journey, Memories, Mothers, Prayer, Purpose, Story, Thankfulness
A few days ago I participated in a prompt on Twitter called “storytweeting”. The theme was “breath”. I shared a story, and it ended up a bit long… as in 18-20 tweets long. Wowza. The word count was almost 800 when I added up the words in...
by Prasanta | Nov 17, 2017 | Poetry, Purpose, Quotes, Writing
West Wind #2 You are young. So you know everything. You leap into the boat and begin rowing. But listen to me. Without fanfare, without embarrassment, without any doubt, I talk directly to your soul. Listen to me. Lift the oars from the water,...
by Prasanta | Oct 30, 2017 | Pain, Purpose, Quotes
There are times when it might be difficult to know what “good” might come out of certain circumstances in our lives, particularly if those circumstances aren’t so “good”. This is a part of the faith walk that I cannot see: I trust (and often must make the choice to...
by Prasanta | Jun 12, 2017 | God, Purpose, Summer, Writing
It feels like the middle here. This is where we have to choose, while here in this middle ground. The “middle” can possess some negative connotations: “Don’t get caught in the middle…The middle child…” It’s like sitting...