How We Are Like Seeds

I read these words while sitting in the space between spring and summer, on the cusp of wild verdant growth: “Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control —...

Ready to Sleep {a poem}

Ready to Sleep At the crack of first morning, the sun bleeds through holes in blinds, like a laser, hits my eyes. Wincing, I rise, smooth down hair, straighten covers, stumble on wilted feet. I am small; the world is looming. I am old; the day is young. The morning is...

Winter is Dying

    Somewhere, winter is dying Winter is dying somewhere We know it is time. The apple barrel is nearly empty And I am no longer muffled by the snow. I am not sure what to do when spring comes; will I know where to step, will I sink in the grass or stand...

The Hope of Burying Bulbs

They ask me for tulips. Large brown eager eyes await my answer. How can I say no? The day is not so cold, and this may be our last chance to plant. “Which colors?” I ask. “Red,” says one. “Pink,” says another, “and...


Heavy winds of late are whipping tree limbs and pushing grass down, and the cold air feels more like fall than spring. When outdoors, I bend my head low to shield my face. I’m glad that certain delicate flowers are late in blooming, otherwise they’d have...

First Hike of Spring

Continuing on in sharing a multitude of thanks on Mondays…   We walked through the soggy woods, thrilled with the sight of dirt, wintered grass, and wet wood chips. Muddy. Wet. Happy. The season is turning… and the evidence indicates it is so, with...

The Thaw

The Thaw   Under the sun, The snow drips In a rhythmic beat And swirls down the street In a flowing stream Moving, melding, meshing Until many rivers meet And swell in gushing unison Eventually reaching the big deep Many waters, becoming one… When winter...