
I have an exciting announcement: I will be joining Lisa Deam at The Contemplative Writer this year!  Each week, I will be contributing to the Friday Favorites post, and I will be contributing a post or article each month. I hope you’ll join me there– and...

Article at Redbud Post

Read my article at the Redbud Post…. You Rock, Abigail Once upon a time, there was a woman whose name was Abigail. Abigail not only was beautiful, but also very wise. Abigail was the apple of her parents’ eyes. They delighted to watch her grow in grace and...

Year in Review (2018)

  For the first time, here is a list of writing highlights for me this past year. I am not sure if this will be an annual thing, but here it is! As I quickly and briefly look back upon the year, I see a few “firsts”, which are below. Writing...

unspoken words (poem)

Where do uspoken words go Forgotten in some collective conscious of empty, unwritten volumes, filling dust lined shelves Perhaps filling oceans replete with missed opportunities and golden intentions Perhaps tossed on the wayside of unknown gardens, wildflowers...

Aim for the Chopping Block (writing quote)

  This is one of my favorite writing quotes. It offers a wonderful visual picture of seeking precision with words. As Mark Twain says,   “The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the...