He is Here

The spirit hovered over the waters. Before it all began, His breath was here, blowing dreams into being. Mighty oaks, redwoods, the earth’s crater-bowls of oceans, large blocks of land, the unending sky… all were here in the beginning. He made it so. Creation still...

He is Here

    The spirit hovered over the waters. Before it all began, His breath was here, blowing dreams into being. Mighty oaks, redwoods, the earth’s crater-bowls of oceans, large blocks of land, the unending sky… all were here in the beginning. He...

Heart’s Soil

I often dream of  living on some type of farm, with some land, a creek, plenty of trees, and maybe a few chickens so that it looks authentic. But so far, the closest I’ve come to farming is this garden, our biggest yet. Living in a suburban area on a plot without many...

Lessons from an Autumn Tree

I love trees. It’s sad to me to live in a suburban house where there are only a few baby trees on the perimeter of the yard. I’m missing grand, stately trees with branches that stretch across the yard and provide ample shade, and with hundreds of leaves...