Porch Swing in September

(I’m not quite ready for the porch swinging to end! But I know those days are coming.) Porch Swing in September by Ted Kooser The porch swing hangs fixed in a morning sun that bleaches its gray slats, its flowered cushion whose flowers have faded, like those of...

Porch Swing in September

Porch Swing in September by Ted Kooser The porch swing hangs fixed in a morning sun that bleaches its gray slats, its flowered cushion whose flowers have faded, like those of summer, and a small brown spider has hung out her web on a line between porch post and chain...

What Did Autumn Ask (poem)

What did Autumn ask Of you On trails of fallen leaves Where children stomp Adults stroll and winds scatter? What did your eyes seek Among the rust, the gold? You are the rod, the arm, the voice You are honey withdrawn From my soul A foggy, misty morning Is what I...

Autumn Leaf (Poem)

Beautifully curling upward, Cupping droplets that land on its skin I take my finger, wipe the drop Leaving a skirmish behind The autumn leaf is like a heart Turned toward heaven Changing colors, singing in its death— I wonder, Leaf, how many songs have you sung? * I...

One More Day

The wind whispers in the leaves, “Change is coming, can you hear it?” Autumn breezes softly blow and colors subtly change. The wind scatters the few fallen leaves like my thoughts. That is when I remember the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, a gentle...

Quotes About Autumn (Part Two)

  “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” -William Cullen Bryant     “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” -George Eliot...