by Prasanta | Aug 23, 2018 | God's promises, Journey, peace, Summer
Summer days are full of activity. Neighbors are out of their homes, walking their dogs, tending to their yards, bringing home groceries. It is late afternoon, the windows are open, the breeze is blowing and birds are chirping. A cicada out...
by Prasanta | Aug 21, 2018 | Poetry, Summer, Time, Words
Flies, bees, fireflies whirr in summer heat circulating like blood in a heart, pumping much needed oxygen to weary limbs that would die without air What stays, stands near, surrounds, envelops the air, the outline of our skin? Dig a hole, build a fire pit, watch...
by Prasanta | Jun 9, 2018 | Children, Dreams, Five Minute Friday, Journey, Summer
“fly” is the right word for me this week as my eldest boarded a plane for the poorest country in the western hemisphere to spend a month working in a remote area on the top of a mountain a one hour drive up and down each day to the health...
by Prasanta | May 9, 2018 | Poetry, Thankfulness, Time
EVERY DAY My hundred-year-old next-door neighbor told me: Every day is a good day *if you have it.* I had to think about that a minute. She said, Every day is a present someone left at your birthday place at the table. Trust me! It may not feel like...
by Prasanta | Apr 7, 2018 | Five Minute Friday, God's Faithfulness, God's love, God's promises, God's Protection, grace, Grief, Journey, surrender, Thankfulness, Time
Too much emptiness facing me, like an abyss. I’m staring into a black hole. It aches, friend. I’m not quite sure what to do, sometimes. I wish I could wrap back up the years and re-do so many things. It’s not that I don’t take joy in watching my kids grow and helping...
by Prasanta | Mar 27, 2018 | Change, Christ, Christianity, God's love, Hope, Jesus, Love, Mercy, the cross
Did Jesus practice eucharisteo* as he walked to Calvary? As people spat and spurned, did he continue to give thanks to God the father? Did he continue to give thanks as he was so greatly burdened, bowed down with the heavy load, bruised, agonizing, and all he could...
by Prasanta | Mar 23, 2018 | Change, Five Minute Friday, God's Faithfulness, God's love, Gratefulness
I see it around me: a cycle, a system, an organized plan. The seasons are predictable; there are four of them where I live, and they come and go on schedule, according to the calendar. Just recently was the vernal equinox, the first day of spring, and as if on...
by Prasanta | Jan 26, 2018 | Giving, God's love, Hope
What I give: Barely. Enough. What He gives? More than. When I’m fed up, I say, “I’ve had enough!” What He says? “I AM.” What I offer? Just. What He offers me? More than. It’s always this, Him giving more than,...
by Prasanta | Nov 17, 2017 | Poetry, Purpose, Quotes, Writing
West Wind #2 You are young. So you know everything. You leap into the boat and begin rowing. But listen to me. Without fanfare, without embarrassment, without any doubt, I talk directly to your soul. Listen to me. Lift the oars from the water,...
by Prasanta | Nov 10, 2017 | Journey, Memoir, Story, Writing
“He won’t be with us much longer, ” she says. I haven’t seen her in a few years. I am headed to a writer’s retreat, which she was also planning to attend. At the last minute, she calls to tell me she is unable to attend. *** I head...