Snow-Fall (poem)

Snow-Fall (poem)

In a matter of moments, the landscape can change. In a matter of moments, a life can change. *** Snow-Fall * A single snowflake floats weightless Millions of flakes falling, land heavy Bring a roof crashing down * Branches bend, dip underneath Weight of snow, crack...

Solstice Lament (Poem)

Solstice Lament   A leaf, flower, blue egg blossom in brief— short season of thaw before heads scurry in holes. For now, irony— gaining inches of darkness while days shimmer in verdurous splendor, efflorescent interval. Light soon dissolves— night spreads...

A New Year’s Eve Reflection

On New Years Eve, people all over the world celebrate the dawn and hope of a new beginning. One never knows what lies ahead, at the cusp of a new year. One thing is certain: there will be both joys and sorrows. I could never have predicted the year I have had. 2019...

Streams of Amber (poem)

Streams of Amber When love’s fingertips brush fields, purple, amber and golden streams flow, trickle down to hungry souls, drip into an earth permeable to tears of human feet and ambered grace of grains transformed into red, white and blue frosted independence day...

Mothers Day Poem

  I wrote this poem a few years ago. The poem is in a form called the Shadorma, with the following syllabic structure in each stanza: 3-5-3-3-7-5. ***  

In April (poem)

In April surprised by any old thing that should uproot itself and subvert the winter awakening to newness from sleep surprised each morning I, too, awake  words– thrown away by winds souls– slaughtered  by hatchets see—    but don’t see my heart left me—...

The Making (a poem)

The Making a poem by Prasanta Verma   Scattered, broken particles must be remade after life on earth snaps….   Read the rest of the poem here, at Evangelicals for Social Action   (image from...

Ring Out, Wild Bells (poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson)

  Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the...