Cinquains (poems)

  Phases Leaves drift separated torn from solid branches glorious even in death– dreams endure. © prasanta September 2017     Begin Winter will find its rest when morning arrives and the sun makes us forget what aches. Begin…. © prasanta...

From Seed to Giant

  A tiny sequoia tree seed, above, can grow into a small young plant, like the one below.   That small plant can grow into a towering giant, like this one:   It isn’t the tallest tree (Redwoods are taller) but in terms of mass and volume, it is...

Road Trip, Part One: Toronto, Canada*

What do Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, the Empire State Building, the Blue Ridge Parkway and Alabama blueberries have in common? They are all part of a long vacation away from home, connected by the highways we are traveling this July. We begin our driving journey on...

Pizza, Wine, Soul Mate

I heard a speaker say recently that God takes the spaces from the broken places in your hearts and plants something new… and soon a new garden with fragrance and color is blooming from those cracks. Tonight I read another idea– that the broken places in...