Summer Reflection #1

I was awake early enough to hear the first birdsong of the day. I looked out the window in the moments between night and dawn, into a silver blue mist floating in the almost-darkness. I am continuously amazed that green grass and flowers do grow after winter. I...


Should it be ice-cold and windy in May? I heard a lone, sustained shriek ripping through the dark late one evening. That certainly didn’t feel quiet and unobtrusive, like this:   My busiest week in May is still going on. Her sophomore year of college has...


I used to have two blogs. My other blog was strictly a poetry blog: all poetry, all the time. About 5-6 years ago, I was actively participating in weekly poetry prompt link-ups and another creative writing type of prompt website. Each week (or multiple days a week), a...

About Friendship and a Prayer

  I had a best friend once, when I was in 6th grade. Since then, I really can’t say, “such-and-such was (or is) my best friend.” I would like to know how it feels to have that kind of special status… someone who knows you and loves you...

Iron Ore

I spent the past 5 days in a rural part of Illinois at a speech and debate tournament. The location of the tournament was a church in the middle of farmland and windmills. It seemed out of place, as if its location was a mistake, a building dropped right in the middle...

Last Week

    Last week, something struck me and hit me a bit hard, and I was just working through some things- and of course social media looked empty, dismal, and unimportant (and much of it is), but I was not interested in any of it. And of course, other things...

Piano Music

I heard a song the other day at my son’s piano recital called “River Flows in You”, and fell in love with it. Apparently, the song has been around since 2001, but I just noticed it. (Where have I been? I think I did hear it on one of the Pandora...