More Than…

What I give: Enough. What He gives? More than. When I’m fed up, I say, “I’ve had enough!” What He says? “I AM.” What I offer? Just. What He offers me? More than. It’s always this, Him giving more than, Him being more than. The...


A photographer sees life at different angles and distances: a bugs-eye view, a birds-eye view, close-up, faraway, panoramic, etc. The different views help the photographer to present life as he/she sees it: realistically, idealistically, as a collage, as a mirage, or...

Removing the Grit

He comes in with tools of various kinds. The tools don’t look like the usual types, but they do a similar sort of work as a carpenter or sculptor. Work begins on the project. Parts are cut off, sections are chiseled. Gradually, a form begins to take shape. If...


chords float in the wind fill my soul the notes drown empty spaces soak like nothing else a dry, withering, empty, cracked ground needs water, a replenishing, a pouring to sprout shoots, seedlings, full with the promise of fruit, replete with the hope and desire of a...

A Place to Rest

At the end of it, he did what I sometimes have a hard time doing. He worked, and then he said he would take a rest. It was God who said it. And it was God who did it. He worked for six days and then took a sabbath rest. I guess I can’t imagine God resting. But...

The Beauty Maker

“It [beauty] is to the spirit what food is to the flesh. It fills an emptiness in you that nothing else under the sun can.”  Frederick Buechner *** Beauty is important. I love beautiful things; works of art, flowers, sunsets, aptly spoken words, an eagle in...

I am a Fraction

My youngest is learning about fractions. For example: If you divide a circle into four equal parts, and shade one of those parts, then what fraction of the circle is shaded?  Answer: 1/4 It got me thinking, though, about people, and how all of us are like fractions,...