Gigantic (Inktober, Day #10)

For the prompt “gigantic”… …Atlas and his gargantuan task of holding up the whole world. Thank goodness it’s not up to us to hold up the world. Mercy! Can you imagine? Yet, we sometimes do try to carry way too much on our own shoulders,...

Screech (Inktober, Day #9)

Above is the pen drawing for the Day 9 prompt, which is “screech”. It’s an owl, but I am not sure if it is a “screech” owl. I drew this owl first in pencil, and when I did the ink version, I could clearly see what I’m lacking in pen...

Crooked (Inktober Day #8)

  Y’all! I’m having so much fun with this layout app which takes pictures and rearranges them in unique ways. Yesterday’s prompt was “crooked” (yes, I’m a day late – I was traveling over the weekend and was driving back...

Sword (Inktober, Day #6)

  “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 Two-Edged Sword Etymology (from...

Long (Inktober, Day #5)

  Here is a quick drawing for day #5. The prompt is “long”. I’m not satisfied with these either… but here they are. I did two because I was trying to correct something. But, there is no more time for any more re-dos, so this is all...

Underwater (Inktober, Day #4)

  Day Four’s Theme for Inktober is “Underwater”. I used an app to create mirror images of the drawing.  The drawing is all on a single page. I think the mirror image turned out pretty cool. I like it. And yeah… that’s loose leaf...

Swift (Inktober, Day #1)

Last year, I wrote a post every day in October. It was a series on communication, which can be found by clicking here. There are many prompts available online for writing during this month. I made up my own series last year. If you feel stuck in a rut or not motivated...

Connect with Ethos

Would you like to communicate more effectively with your audience? Starting today, for the month of October, I’ll be sharing one tip per day, to help you communicate your ideas more effectively with your audience, through speech or writing. To start off this series,...