by Prasanta | Jul 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
I pray for her, for him, for them. I beg God, plead for mercy for them, for their hearts to be open to truth and for them to know and experience the joy of knowing the Savior, the one who heals and helps and restores and redeems, the Best Friend, the One who Loves...
by Prasanta | Mar 18, 2013 | Lies, Truth, Uncategorized, Writing
When God gave me words, pen and paper, and now computer screen, he gave me back some fragments of sanity… where would I be without words? For years I have poured out words… since I was 10, I have been spilling words on paper. Words have helped me make...
by Prasanta | Sep 16, 2012 | Hope, One Thousand Gifts
Uncertainties abound. Our world today is in turmoil. Tensions are high in the Middle East. Countries are in finanical trouble. People are without jobs. Families are struggling in numerous ways. Amidst the shakiness of shifting ideals, policies, morals, ideas, and...
by Prasanta | Aug 16, 2012 | God's love, Gratefulness, Hope, Journey, One Thousand Gifts, Thankfulness, Worship
Sometimes, you just need this reminder. That, even while cracks and fissures are opening all around, that the walls may be crumbling… that there are still… 10,000 reasons to thank Him. To worship. This song ministers to me each time I hear it… and I...
by Prasanta | Jul 27, 2012 | Five Minute Friday, God's love, Mercy
I like imagining and thinking and conjuring. I could easily spend way too much time dreaming. I’m kind of a dreamer. But, I realize that what I’m imagining, what I’m thinking, what I’m dreaming is but only a tiny sliceo of the real pie. Here I...
by Prasanta | Jul 20, 2012 | Five Minute Friday, God's love, Hope
What I give: Enough. What He gives? More than. When I’m fed up, I say, “I’ve had enough!” What He says? “I AM.” What I offer? Just. What He offers me? More than. It’s always this, Him giving more than, Him being more than. The...
by Prasanta | Apr 18, 2012 | grace, Hope, Promises, Time, Waiting
“God’s promises are like stars– the darker the night, the brighter they shine.” –Jan Coleman, author of After the Locusts. In the book of Joel, a devastating event occurs, something which will be retold to subsequent generations: Has...
by Prasanta | Apr 16, 2012 | Growth, One Thousand Gifts, Poetry, Spring, Thankfulness
Two weeks ago, we planted vegetable seeds. In this: It was an experiment– we usually buy seedlings in late May and plant them in the ground. But this year, we decided to plant straight from seed. And two weeks later, here is what we have: This weekend, we...
by Prasanta | Dec 14, 2011 | Advent, Hope
I have known about this happening in parts of the world, but I didn’t know the numbers, until I saw this: India’s Deadly Secret (please watch this before reading on) For a while, I have no words, only tears. But a word finally comes. You see, I was born...
by Prasanta | Dec 7, 2011 | Hope, One Thousand Gifts
In his book How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie said that one of our deepest longings is “the need to be appreciated”. But there is another need our pastor spoke of, and that is the need we have for “justice.” We have this...