Contentment {Day 8}

Some days, I just don’t have it. Contentment. image source I grumble. Complain. Stomp. Frown. Cry. I was browsing through other blogs, other posts, etc., and that little ugly voice began to speak. You know the one, the one that says, “your blog isn’t...

Jewels of Autumn

this photo taken by my daughter *** Embracing one of the joys of season: a family tradition to go apple picking. This year, we’ll go twice. In a week or two, we’ll go back to pick apples to make into pies and applesauce. When the leaves turn (they’ve...

Autumn Approaches and #409-431

The week has been a bit of a wild one, with ups and downs. A steady rain fell on Sunday which is typical of the change of seasons here. The remnants of summer memories, boat rides, swimming, etc., fade and give way to the coolness of another season. I smell autumn in...

Giving Thanks, #276-291

276. a sunny weekend 277. fresh lettuce from the garden 278. writing my 100th post this past week… I forgot to commemorate it with a little note, but no matter… I’m still forging ahead– and will possibly pick another number, such as 125 or 150,...

In Yellow Summer

In Yellow Summer Lilies reach skyward Yellow cranes, learning to fly Like growing children *** In summer, they frolic and laugh under the trees. The sunny yellow lilies sway tall; young souls are like the lilies, blooming in early summer’s youth, gentle and...